Jewelry rework
The sparkle of diamonds and the shine of gold are two breathtaking sights for many women. They love gold and diamonds, and are generally keen to adorn themselves with jewelery and precious stones, which give their appearance a special elegance.
Old pieces of jewelry also have a high moral and emotional value, but they no longer keep pace with the spirit of the times, and in most cases, old rings, necklaces, and earrings are not the jewelry that a modern woman would like to own today, because the style of this jewelry does not suit her taste.
But this does not mean that remaining in the jewelry box is the inevitable fate of old pieces of jewelry, as women can return the sparkle to these ancient treasures at Bandar Al Debian Jewellery.
Therefore, now you can benefit from your old jewelry and make it completely new without having to sell it and losing much of its value during the sale, as is known and common, and every piece of jewelry that we present in our designs must reflect the sophisticated taste that suits our customers.
At Bandar Al Dibian Jewellery, you can rework your old jewelry and make modern, modern jewelry out of it, as we can create any model using your gold and diamonds. If the piece consists of a lot of precious gemstones, it can of course be removed from its frame and recast with a new design. We can also provide advice. We provide you with the appropriate designs to take full advantage of your jewels in the most beautiful way possible, and then the original antique piece will be unrecognizable again….